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  • Writer's pictureElizabeth Gilchrist

I Can’t Believe It!

Updated: Jul 1

This year has been a whirlwind of so many things going on in my life. I was finally given clearance on starting to work on my back to get it stronger after breaking it the year before. I did and I am getting stronger by the day. Praise the Lord!

Next I started a class on February 1st to get my University of Tennessee Master Gardener Certification and I finished at the end of April and received my certification with flying colors. Hallelujah!

After a I was asked to fill a created position with Tullahoma Parks and Recreation to design and provide classes for the Tullahoma Parks and Recreation Department. Woohoo! Couldn’t believe it happened but am so happy that it did.

Then there’s last Friday, I received a phone call from Ms. Jacqualine who works over at the CD Stamps Recreation Center where I work, and said that someone at Walmart wanted to speak with me. She left her number so I called and she stated that she had some gardening supplies that she would like to donate to our Community Garden so I ai I would be by to pick them up and they barely fit into the back of my truck! Here is a pic of how my blessings are flowing here I Tullahoma!

I hope that your dreams are coming t n hat your blessings are abundant!


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