It's winter baking time here at Grey Hare Designs and today I am sharing my favorite pumpkin nut bread recipe. I have served this for many years and will for many more. These will be added to our recipe index under breads so if you don't have time now, at least you know where to look when you need it. Make sure you bookmark the page with the little star if you have Google Chrome. I prefer the half oil/half applesauce version of the bread. Let me know if you have any questions. Enjoy your bread!
Grey Hare Designs Pumpkin Nut Bread
• 3 cups sugar
• 1 cup of oil (or half oil and half applesauce)
• 4 large eggs
• 3 1/2 cups flour
• 1 1/2 tsp salt
• 2 tsp soda
• 1 tsp cinnamon
• 1 tsp nutmeg
• 1 tsp cloves
• 2/3 water
• 1 -16 oz can pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling mix)
• 1 cup pecans (may substitute walnuts if desired, or leave out entirely)
Set oven 350 degrees and spray the inside bottom of the 2 loaf pans with spray. Mix all wet ingredients together, mix all dry ingredients together in a separate bowl then add to the wet ingredients then add nuts; ensuring that it is not over mixed or it will not rise well. Spoon equally into two prepared loaf pans, dividing equally. Bake at 350 for approx. 1 hour. Sometimes on "damp" days it will not cook all the way through because these are large loaves and I HATE to make them all dark brown so I put them in the microwave for 1 minute after they come out of the oven. They are perfect! Leave in pan for 5 minutes then turn out and place on top of loaf pan to cool.
Great for breakfast, midnight snack or after school-especially with a cold glass of milk or a hot cup of coffee or tea. I hope you enjoy the recipe just as much as my family does!
*Love and Blessings*
